I read the other day that "life has a funny way of kicking you in the face but that you need to NOT stop believing in yourself." I am adding to this statement that you need to also NOT stop believing in God. After all, "if our God is for us then who can be against us." I know that when you are being kicked ... and circumstances are stacked against you ... and you can't see the way out ... that it's easy to become discouraged and to lose sight what the word of God says. It's easy in those times to withdraw and surrender to the circumstances that weigh you down; to become so inwardly focused that you develop tunnel vision. You can get so focused on your immediate circumstances that you forget there is a whole world out there. You sometimes can even forget that you have the one thing that matters, the one thing that can turn everything around and that is God. He has the answers, the provision, the vision, the hope, comfort, and healing that you need. I have learned that during these times you need to turn your focus to God, to who He is. The Bible says that "no weapon formed against us can prosper." That is such great news! Nothing that happens to us is too big for our God to handle. We just have to let him.
Many of you know back in August I moved to Amarillo for a job that fell through shortly after I relocated there. The next four months were filled with failed attempts to find employment, discouragement, near homelessness, and many other obstacles. It seemed like the harder I tried to work things out the worse things got. I became so frustrated with my life and couldn't understand what was happening. I even began to lose sight of the dreams that God placed in my heart and was thinking that they were never going to happen and that maybe I should just stop trying.
Then...One day not too long along I had lunch with a friend. After lunch I got in my car and said "God, I don't know what else to do." I have done everything that I know to do and nothing is working. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. I just can't go on like this anymore. I really believe that this was the first time I said that to God during this whole endeavor. See, I had been trying to do it all on my own. Dallas was trying to take care of Dallas instead of letting God take care of Dallas. 10 minutes after saying that to God I received the call about the job with Sophia's Heart. 10 minutes after I gave up control I was called and offered a dream job. Then, within the next week God provided everything I needed, including the funds, to make the move to Nashville. It has been honestly one of the easiest transitions I have ever made.
All this to say that we need to remember who our source is. It isn't us. It is God. The Bible says "He knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans for a hope and a future." To trust in Him with all our heart and He will direct our paths. I wonder how much trouble and discouragement I could have saved myself if I would have trusted Him instead of trusting me. No matter what you're facing remember to give it to God and let Him have control.
Much Love,
All this to say that we need to remember who our source is. It isn't us. It is God. The Bible says "He knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans for a hope and a future." To trust in Him with all our heart and He will direct our paths. I wonder how much trouble and discouragement I could have saved myself if I would have trusted Him instead of trusting me. No matter what you're facing remember to give it to God and let Him have control.
Much Love,