Monday, April 18, 2011

Video about Sophia's Heart

Our Stories

I have been thinking a lot lately about my testimony. It is a story that I love to tell. I enjoy telling people about the pit of despair, hopelessness, and bondage that God brought me out of on January 25, 2000. It is a day that I will never forget and not a day goes by that I don't stop and appreciate the freedom and life that God gave me on that day. Revelation 12:11 talks about how we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. I find it a great honor when I get to share my story with others, when I get to use it to bring encouragement to someone that is hurting and feeling hopeless. I get so excited as I watch hope be restored to them through the healing power of Jesus. Lately, However, I have been challenged to have a daily testimony. See, I want a story of what God did in me, for me, or through me today. He didn't stop working in my life on January 25, 2000. He had just begun. There are so many amazing things that He has done for me and through me since then. These are all testimonies of His grace, mercy, favor, and blessings. I am not negating my salvation experience, as it was a turning point in my life.....a defining moment of the woman that I would become. My life was forever changed that day. However, I want to live my life having a daily testimony. I want to run after God with all that is in me knowing that if I listen to Him, if I let him guide me I can be used by Him everyday to impact someone's life for the kingdom. 

Things at Sophia's Heart are going good. We are working on remodeling a wing of the building to prepare it for families. We currently have one family and they are making great progress. We are working hard to prepare to take in more families and anxiously awaiting the day that this is possible. We are currently second place in a bank contest. This bank will be giving $30,000 to the charity with the most votes at the end of April. If you have any spare time, please go and vote as much as possible. The website is You don't have to sign-up, register, or give any personal information to vote. 
Thank you all so much for your endless love and support!!
