Wednesday, May 13, 2009


When I was in Masters Commission I had the honor of sharing my testimony all over the country and I LOVED doing it. I loved being able to share the story of a girl that was broken; a girl who had spent a long time searching for happiness, searching for a way to cope with the pain from the circumstances that life had thrown at her as well as the consequences for her actions during the coping process. I love to tell about the day that this 22 year old girl gave her life to God and was forever changed because of the love, grace, and mercy of her Daddy God. I love to tell about the freedom and restoration that took place in her life; about the joy, peace, and confidence that she now walks in 9 years later after allowing God to do a deep work in her heart.

Over the past few years I have told this story privately more times than I can count but It has been a long time since I have told this story publicly. Today I had the opportunity to share my testimony at a women's home. It was so much fun and the presence of God was there in a huge way. My friend Aaron preached and then I gave my testimony and then altar call. Aaron prayed for several girls to be healed from physical ailments; most of them were immediately healed. I prayed for about 5-6 girls. I was so honored that God would allow me to speak victory and encouragement into the lives of His precious daughters. WOW!! I prayed that they would not be ruled by a spirit of fear, that they would walk in victory knowing who their Daddy God was and that they would realize how much He loves them and cares about them.

When we stop to think about the fact that God loves us no matter what, right where we are, with all our bad moods and mess ups; like WOW!!! That is SOOOO HUGE!!
The revelation that comes when you grasp that concept is like no other. I just recently started to wrap my head around the fact that God loves me no matter what and I am telling you that it has rocked my world. I have always known and even preached about God loving you no matter what but for some reason I could never grasp it in my own life and was always striving to earn His love; striving to earn something I already have. That's the good news!! We don't have to perform for God's love!! He has already given it to us, we just have to accept it!!

I want to encourage you today to just take some time and let your Daddy God love on you and ask Him to give you and new and fresh revelation of His love!!


  1. C'mon girl....preach it!!! It was such and honor to minister with you today. God ROCKED THE HOUSE!!!! The word for today was, "Don't perform for something you already have...just receive it!" Woot

  2. WOW!!!!! this is so awesome

  3. Dal to the!! wow! wow!! :) In Christ, you are a major threat to the enemy's camp!! :)
